
Creative Imagination

C r e a t i v e imagination is more than just active imagination. To be able to actively imagine things, to see and hear things in one’s mind, is an important ability. It doesn’t have to involve much creativity, though, does it? Daydreaming, for example, is a process of imagination. It can consist of an elaborate fantasy world, but one full of all the things that many people think about. Creative imagination, then, has to include the ability not just to imagine things, but to imagine original things. It is seeing things that others don’t see, and coming up with new ideas. So how do you cultivate this? First, exercise your basic imagination. It can be as simple as thinking in pictures more, or listening to music in your mind. Play little “movies” in your mind, until you can watch them on command. This is a simple process, but for those of us that can’t easily do it naturally, it can take a lot of practice. Fortunately, it is not an unpleasant activity. The second part of developing y...


“The attitude that we would have is: ‘The universe is lining it up just right, and the timing will be just exactly right. And I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m doing everything just exactly right. And in the perfect timing, a timing that I cannot even quite see yet, this is going to happen. And meanwhile there isn’t anything else for me to do.’ How is it that you all get so involved in things that have nothing to do with you? The Law of Attraction is a huge Law. So next time you find yourself thinking: ‘Well, I should write one more affirmation, or I should do one more Virtual Reality. I need to do something. I must be doing something wrong, or what I’m wanting would be,’ we say, what you need to do is chill out. What you need to do is relax and accept that you’ve done your work. You’ve asked; the Universe is doing its work; it is answering. Your work is to get into this place where you joyfully receive it. You can’t take score about when it’s coming or where it’s coming, or how it’s c...

The Path To Happiness

Happiness is something that so many people strive for each day and yet many times it eludes them. Often, they feel that happiness can be theirs if only their situations were different. Have you ever felt like that? So often we get caught up in what I call the “if only’s”. If only my husband were nicer to me. If only I had a better job. If only the children were grown and out of the house. The list can go on and on. We can waste so much of our precious time dreaming of the “if only’s”. So many people fall into this trap and end up miserable most of their lives. The problem is that they are looking for happiness to come to them somehow. As if it were something that could be possessed. When happiness does happen to come it seems so fleeting that it quickly passes away. People erroneously think that happiness is just a feeling like some passing fancy. I am here to tell you that happiness is not a feeling, it can be a way of life. Happiness can be yours on a daily basis if you will ...

Job Hopping How It Affects Your Career Success

  Is job-hopping and career success related to each other? What is the effect of one on the other? How long is too long for staying in a company? I must admit, the resumes that pass by my desk makes me conclude that job-hopping is far too common. Job hoppers do it for various reasons. More often than not they may not know what they are getting into. Sometimes, it is because they do not know what they want and hence are not ready for the challenges that lay ahead of them. Job-hopping and career success is related to one another. In my opinion, job-hopping affects career success in a negative manner. Consider this, what signals are you sending to your potential employer if you job-hop too often? The Two-Year Rule I have a two-year rule that I tell my staff and potential employees. The two-year rule is this – you must be willing to commit mentally to spend at least two years in the company before you quit. The reason is this; you need to deal with the learning curve. If you job-ho...

Where To Find Anger Management Support Groups In Connecticut

  Anger management is a concern all over the world. Most areas have support groups and outreach programs for people who struggle with anger issues. Realizing how many problems anger can cause, abuse, violence and recklessness being a few, organizations and government programs are designing anger management programs to help rectify the problem. Connecticut provides many programs for those dealing with anger problems, individually or in a family setting. Finding anger management support groups in Connecticut shouldn’t be too difficult since this area has many terrific programs designed to help people of all ages with anger management issues. The Child & Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut has a website on the Internet which provides plenty of information about anger management programs such as support groups. A quick search for their site through a search engine such as Google or Yahoo would produce valuable details for an individual coping with anger problems. Connecti...

How to be happy in 2021?

  Is it really possible to attain a lifetime of happiness or is this just some dumb dream that we all have from time to time – well I can’t promise you a lifetime of happiness each and every day of your life – JUST MOST DAYS. Now if someone had told me that a few years ago I would have quickly made my apologies and run well away from them – they could have been aliens from another planet trying to capture me with their crazy ideas, but then are those ideas so crazy after all? I had lived a pretty average life just like the majority of us – nothing really spectacular had happened – I left school, went to college, got a job, got married, had children, went to work to provide for us all, took my holiday entitlements and repeated the same sequence of events and activities each year. Nothing wrong with that I hear you say and OK that’s how we all live so what’s wrong with that? – right? – well NO actually. How many times have we looked at our lives and just wondered what it was al...

Happiness Is The Path To The Productive Workplace

  According to the American Dream Project, the average American works between 43 and 51 hours per week. Does that make us more productive? No. In fact, the United States is ranked 8th in productivity behind countries like Norway, Italy, and France. Yet people in those countries work fewer hours. So what will make us more productive? First, it is important to understand that the average person is only productive 5 hours a day, yet our average workday is 8 hours with fewer people taking breaks and vacations than ever before. Second, it is also important to differentiate between the higher living standard of Americans and happiness. Our higher living standard is due mostly to our long work hours and higher spending patterns, yet that standard does not make Americans more productive, nor does it make people happy. In fact, it only serves to make us more exhausted. The American Dream Project goes on to explain that this exhaustion decreases our productivity while pushing us into activ...

International Women's Day 2021 Wishes Quotes and Images

“Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.” –Hillary Clinton “A woman is like a tea bag: You can’t tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” –Eleanor Roosevelt “The best protection any woman can have is courage.” –Elizabeth Cady Stanton “Well-behaved women rarely make history.” –Eleanor Roosevelt “To tell “To tell a woman everything she cannot do is to tell her what she can.” –Spanish Proverb Here’s to strong women: May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.” – “A girl should be two things: Who and what she wants.” –Coco Chanel “You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.” –Unknown “We realize the importance of our voice when we are silenced.” –Malala Yousafzai “I want every girl to know that her voice can change the world.” –Malala “Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” –G.D. Anderson “She overcame everything that was mea...

2021 Fantastic quotes about life and problems

" E very p roblems in life comes with a gift when ever you lose something in life don't get upset something may be waiting for you more than what you actually lost"  

2021 fantastic Quotes About Life and Problems

   " Problems are like little stones if you keep them to your eye they look big  and hide your vision if you keep them at a distance you can see how small they are" @motivationalsucess

2021 Fantastic Quote About Life

    "Every thing is pre written and nothing can be re written"

Anger Management

  Anger management is a concern all over the world. Most areas have support groups and outreach programs for people who struggle with anger issues. Realizing how many problems anger can cause, abuse, violence and recklessness being a few, organizations and government programs are designing anger management programs to help rectify the problem. Connecticut provides many programs for those dealing with anger problems, individually or in a family setting. Finding anger management support groups in Connecticut shouldn’t be too difficult since this area has many terrific programs designed to help people of all ages with anger management issues. The Child & Family Agency of Southeastern Connecticut has a website on the Internet which provides plenty of information about anger management programs such as support groups. A quick search for their site through a search engine such as Google or Yahoo would produce valuable details for an individual coping with anger problems. Connecticu...

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2021 How Great Is The Strength Of Your Belief

  Be careful what you believe because that is what you will experience. Your belief system is a mechanism which is uniquely yours. It is powered by your desire and controlled by your thoughts and actions. In other words, your success is measured by the strength of your belief. What is it that you desire? Often people do not have a clue what it is they want, they just know what they do not want. Now is a good time to evaluate your goals and determine the end result you want to achieve. Put your goals in writing and place them where you can see them throughout the day. Read them frequently to keep them fresh on your mind.

Who Else Wants To Easily Make New Friends?

  Should you just sit down and hope that someone to come to you, take your hand, ask you to be his/her friend? I don’t think so. You’ve got to make the move. How to? 1. Look into Yourself Decide first what kind of persons you’d prefer to be your friends. Do you want to make friends with those who have the same hobbies and in… Getting into a new community might cause you a difficulty in finding new friends. You barely know anyone. You feel lonely. Should you just sit down and hope that someone to come to you, take your hand, ask you t o be his/her friend? I don’t think so. You’ve got to make the move. How to?  1. Look into Yourself Decide first what kind of persons you’d prefer to be your friends. Do you want to make friends with those who have the same hobbies and interests with you, or the same gender, or the same age? Or, do you wish to be friends with those who have totally different passions so you can find something else more interesting in life. 2. Don’t be shy! It might...